
The Key to Successful Pharmacy Automation | Centred Solutions

Written by admin | Jul 1, 2024 1:32:38 PM

Investing in pharmacy technology and software to transform your pharmacy dispensing process and release time for services is a smart move to secure the future of your pharmacy. However, to maximise your investment, a robust change management process is key to ensure a smooth transition, minimise resistance and achieve your desired outcomes. Managing change is a key component of achieving the successful adoption of your chosen pharmacy solution. In this article, we look at how to effectively manage change once you have made the decision to automate.

Involve all key stakeholders

From the outset you should involve key internal stakeholders so they are clear on the reasons for change and their role in ensuring a successful adoption of the pharmacy automation. Map out who your key stakeholders are and what they need to know so you ensure nobody is missed out during this process. You will need to clearly articulate the benefits of the new technology to all stakeholders to gain their support and buy-in. For example, you will want to ensure pharmacy staff are aware of what the technology is and the reasons that you are implementing it well before your planned go live date.


Communication is Key:

Once you have made stakeholders aware of the change, it is important to provide regular updates on progress, challenges you are looking to address and successes. Make sure that this communication doesn’t feel like it is all one way. This will be a big change to the way staff work at the frontline of your business, so we would recommend putting in place feedback channels with clear processes so staff are able to voice any thoughts or concerns they may have. Don’t forget about your patients too – this is a great opportunity to educate patients on the timeline for processing prescriptions so that frontline staff can manage demand. All new customers at Centred Solutions will receive a patient information toolkit to help make customers aware of what hub and spoke dispensing will mean for them.

Train and Support Staff:

When it comes to go-live, your first step should be ensuring a phased roll-out. Trying to do everything all at once only sets you up for failure. Once you have communicated your rollout plan then its’s time to turn your attention to training your staff effectively. Training will play a huge role in the successful adoption of pharmacy technology so it is crucial to get this right.

At Centred Solutions we work with customers to deliver frontline training with comprehensive training programs tailored to different roles within the pharmacy. These hands on training sessions ensure staff are comfortable using the new technology and help you put in place super users who are not only the point of contact in store, but also can be used as system advocates as you roll out to other pharmacies. Once initial training is complete then you will need to establish a system for ongoing training and support to address any issues that arise post-implementation.

For example Centred Solutions users have access to a 24/7 online learning platform which includes “how to” videos as well as frequently asked questions to help troubleshoot any common issues.

Keep In Touch:

Change doesn’t happen overnight so giving users a voice can ensure ongoing momentum of your change programme as well as successful adoption of the solution. Continue to use the feedback channels you put in place at the start of the process and encourage a culture of continuous improvement where users’ thoughts are regularly sought and technology usage is optimised. Be sure to monitor the implementation process and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and any observed performance.

Measure Performance

At the outset you will need to put in place key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the impact of your new technology and analyse data to determine if objectives are being met and where further improvements can be made if required. Centred Solutions FLOWRx products offer a range of reports so that you can continually monitor how your system is operating and areas which can be improved upon.

Don’t Forget to Celebrate Success!

Change is never easy so it’s really important to celebrate successes as you embark on your pharmacy automation journey. For example you could consider celebrating key milestones during your rollout or hitting key targets or delivery dates. Recognising your team’s superstars, best contributors or biggest improvers is also a great way to engage your staff in the process – it can create healthy competition between branches and creating role model behaviours.

A well-planned and well-orchestrated change management programme has the power to transform a potentially tumultuous transition into an opportunity for your pharmacy to grow, prosper and thrive.

Pharmacy Automation From Centred Solutions

At Centred Solutions we know that the change management process is just as important as the installation of our solution when it comes to success. That’s why we have a team of knowledgeable, customer success managers with expertise in pharmacy, technology and logistics who will be with you every step of the way on your FLOWRx journey. It’s a big part of how we look after your needs and how we build long-term partnerships with our customers. We want you to succeed as much as you do.

Whether you are a pharmacy looking to streamline your operations by receiving medications directly from wholesalers or need support in setting up your own hub, we have the solution for you. 

Contact us today to arrange a demonstration of any of our products.